Getting to Know the Chrysalis Tarot: Deck Structure

The Chrysalis tarot consists of 78 cards-- 22 Major Arcana cards, and 56 Minor Arcana cards, the same amount as the standard Rider Waite Smith deck. However that is where all the similarities end. Creator Toney Brooks has thrown the structure of the Rider Waite Smith and has created one of his own. The Major Arcana has been completely reimagined, with The Fool’s journey becoming that of the Hero’s journey. The suits in the minor arcana have been changed from the standard wands, cups, swords, and pentacles to spirals, mirrors, scrolls, and stones respectively. The tarot court has now become the troupe: Mentors, Muses, Mystics, and Messengers replace the Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages of the RWS. Unlike the Rider Waite Smith, the gender roles are evenly dispersed, with 8 male, and 8 female members of the Chrysalis Tarot’s troupe. 

Is this deck reversal friendly? 

As someone who doesn’t shuffle to include reversals, but will view them as blocked energy if a card happens to come out reversed-- This intrigued me. I honestly feel that this deck already feels complex and chock full of meaning going off the responses I received during the deck interview. Reversals might just over complicate things with this deck, in my opinion. And after reading Brooks’ stance on reversals with the deck, I was pleased to see that he felt the same way.

According to Brooks, he doesn’t recommend using reversals with this deck, as he feels that it can be effectively used for divination without them. He also mentions that “reversals can be tricky for beginners, and as a tool designed to assist with spiritual growth, self awareness, and personal transformation, he wanted the deck to be easily accessible for all-- beginners to tarot as well as those who consider themselves to be tarot experts.” I’m glad that he feels that way, because to be quite honest, this deck, despite being whimsical and colorful-- it can also become quite complex, even more so because of its unique structure. It reminds me of how complex the Dreams of Gaia tarot system is-- and that system includes reversals, as well as meanings for past, present, and future energy.