A Date With the Chrysalis Tarot: The Deck Interview
To be honest, I picked up this deck because it felt whimsical to me, a very storybook, playful vibe. I wasn’t sure if i’d ever use it for public readings, but I knew that I wanted it as a personal deck. The only thing is that it’s non-RWS structure kinda intimidated and overwhelmed me. I honestly wasn’t keen about learning 78 new meanings for a deck I wouldn’t be using for the public. But when I tried to read with it intuitively, I felt blocked. Nothing was clicking to me, and that frustrated me. So now, I’d like to properly get to know this deck, seeing that I have a teensy bit of time on my hands. Luckily for me, I bought the deck and it’s companion book together-- I’ll be using that to get a better look into the cards, as well as whatever intuitive hits I get from the cards.
In order to get to know the deck better, I have decided to do a deck interview to get a feel for the deck using a deck interview spread by The Cackling Moon.
The vibe the deck brings to every reading
8 of Stones (Pentacles): This deck brings a balanced, grounded energy to every reading. It brings the gentle reminder to take the time to refocus one’s energy back to oneself, to remain centered. I also feel that this deck helps to bring structure to the seeker’s life-- it gives useful, practical advice as a deck.
Does the deck prefer to be used for a certain type of reading?
The Poet (King of Scrolls/Swords): This deck can be used for all kinds of readings, but with this King of Scrolls-- It prefers to be used for readings that allow the seeker to think for themselves, to really get analytical about what it is that they are asking. This deck wants the seeker to be able to develop metaphorical thinking. This is definitely a deck for healing, for those who wish to do the work to heal themselves. It enjoys questions on self-improvement and creativity and will help to develop self awareness in all who asks. A colorful deck for deep diving.
What do you think of me?
10 of Stones (Pentacles): Upon first glance at this card, I feel like this deck is tryna call me a hoarder with the way this crone is holding on to all of these crystals and just chilling in the woods like “ehhh, imma just stay here and chill with my crystals.” Like she’s holding on to them kinda tight. Okay, so after reading the card’s description-- Sis is a sprite, and the crystals she’s holding on to so tightly are Green Selenite, a rare crystal. The sprite is described as clingy and possessive, but lovable (Feeling triggered now, lol). Green selenite is great for helping the wearer to make difficult choices or seeking new friends, and is also helpful for adapting to change. Lmao, my deck sees me as someone who is someone that’s reluctant to accept change, but it also sees me as someone who needs to maintain a balanced perspective between the spiritual and material/physical realms. The deck is sending me it’s own gentle reminder to not let my possessions have power over me. “You don’t need a lot to make a big effort.”
How can we work together successfully?
Ariadne (Death): “To let go of what you think you know, and welcome new information.” The Death card ushers in transformations and new beginnings, and it’s also about sudden change. In order for the deck and I to work together successfully, I must be willing and able to accept, acknowledge and take responsibility for any unhealthy behaviors and attachments that I may possess. This deck wants me to be able to transform those unhealthy behaviors and attachments into more positive things, as well as to be willing to not only learn more about myself, but to be willing to get down and dirty and do that shadow work. “I can’t help you if you don’t want to help yourself.”
What should I know about you before we begin working together?
2 of Stones (Pentacles): Sometimes, the messages I give are extremely subtle. I will make you work for the answers to questions that you ask-- I want you to be able to trust your intuition at all times. When using me, be sure to pay attention to the synchronicities that may occur in the cards-- What do the symbols mean to you? Don’t be afraid to not have the answers, have patience with yourself when you use me, as the answers might not dawn on you immediately. I want you to think things through, and not make impulsive/poor decisions. I will help you to make patient, well discerned choices whenever you ask me a question.
Overall, I feel that there is a lot that I can learn from this deck, it’s definitely deeper than I imagined it to be despite it’s fairy tale-esque illustrations. I can’t wait to dive into the structure of the deck, and how it differs from the standard Rider Waite Smith style.
Let me know how you feel about this deck so far, by leaving a comment below!