Virgo October Messages
“That’s why it’s gonna be me!” Virgo, Virgo, Virgo. You just know you’re gonna be the last man standing, huh. There’s no competition Virgo, you don’t have to shove anybody out of the way in order to succeed. “Everyone eats,” is what I’m hearing. “It’s me vs. me”— Yes, but you have to be more gentle on yourself this month. Rome wasn’t built in a day, these things take time. Stop trying to put everything on a time table.
I’m also hearing “gonna get you back, if it’s the last thing I do.” Virgo, why do you want this person back? Is it for genuine reasons, or is it just to soothe your wounded ego? Will reconciling be the best thing for the connection at this time? Or are you upset because things didn’t end on your terms? Let it go, Virgo. If it were meant to be, the opportunity would present itself to you. You’ve invested a lot of time into this connection, and that’s why you aren’t willing to throw it away so quickly or so easily. But where was this energy before, Virgo?
Your person has finally pulled away to focus on themselves, and now it has you feeling shook. “I never thought that we’d really be over,” is what I’m hearing. They’ve begun to heal and invest in themselves, and you’ve done the same, but this time of reflection has you wanting to return to do better by them. But that’s the kicker, to reach out, or to let sleeping dogs lie? Do you think they’re ready for that, Virgo? Are you wanting to reconcile because you know things will be better between you two, or are you unwilling to start over with someone else? Are you willing to respect their boundaries, Virgo? The answers will come to you this month, move accordingly.
October is all about patience for you, Virgo. You have to be patient with yourself, and you have to be patient if you want your desired outcome. In order for the love and harmony you want to come to pass, you must be patient with them. For some, the love is still there, but this person is putting their self respect first— as they should. This connection has made them more resilient, but also more aware of the BS. They have been using this time apart to heal, and Virgo, your old tricks won’t work on them anymore. I’m hearing, “come healed, or stay where you’re at.”
“I wish I hugged you tighter the last time I saw you”— You miss their energy, but do you really miss them? This person questions you heavily. They are much different from the person you once knew. More self-aware, more detached from the emotions that the connection brings. A realistic nature approaches. This person wears the emotional scars that you gave them proudly, so that they know what to never fall for again. If you make the decision to approach them again, make sure you have done the work on your end. Take the time to take accountability for any wrong doing, as they have already done the same.
Overall, for the month of October— Virgo, you gotta put in the work to get yourself back on track: Mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Accountability is key for you this month. You won’t always be the good guy. Take responsibility, and go from there. You cannot manipulate your way out of taking accountability for your actions.