Capricorn October Messages
Immediately, I’m beginning to channel Ariana Grande’s “Knew Better part.II"— Specifically this part, “Boy if you knew better, you would do better.” Someone wants another chance to do right by you. But Capricorn, you see right through it. You’ve learned the lessons that this person brought along, and you refuse to get burned from it again. You may feel nostalgic from time to time when it comes to this person, but overall you know that you deserve better than what they can give you. Some of you have already moved on to healthier connections, and trust that you know that you’ve got a good thing going, refusing to mess things up.
Capricorn, this energy feels good. Continue to nourish these healthy connections. Returning to this past person will only lead to that cycle of “messy love” that will only undo all of the healing that you’ve been doing. You’ve outgrown this past person. Don’t look back. You’ve been hurt from time to time, but I’m seeing that you’ve taken the time to heal, to better yourself. I heard “building myself up from scratch.” Some of you have been in a period of feeling trapped by self doubt, by fear and loathing. But somehow, in true Capricorn fashion, you’ve pulled yourselves together and did the work to feel like yourselves again. It wasn’t easy, but it was more than worth it.
October is all about reclaiming your time, and your power— I feel like you lost your sense of self in the past, but now you’re back, and better than ever. For some, this is a time to revel in your happiness. October is blessing your with a renewed sense of passion in your hobbies, leaving you feeling empowered and feeling more in control of your happiness and emotions. For others, this is feeling more open to love, and receiving to a new romantic connection. I’m hearing that a few of you need to open up to that new person who’s actually putting in the effort— I’m hearing “he’s a good man Savannah!” Don’t let your past stop you from opening up to someone new. Just use your discernment.
In this new journey Capricorn, don’t be afraid to take more risks. It’ll open the door up to new opportunities. I am getting that you need to focus more on your goals. You need to be more disciplined if you want to achieve your goals this month, Capricorn. Developing a better work/life balance will help you to prioritize your time better. Be careful of burnout this month, make time to do things for you.
For October, Capricorn, you need to focus on your health: Physically and mentally. Meditate, move your body, stretch a lil, journal. The energy surrounding y’all feels a little stiff— I’m getting that a lot of you need to take some time and assess your goals. Why are you pursuing certain things? Is it out of fear or scarcity? Or is it out of true passion? Overall, for the month of October— Capricorn, you are being asked to control your emotions. There may be potential for chaos and conflict with others at this time, I’m hearing “in the workplace,” but you’re being asked to rise above it. The initiators are trying to see what makes you tick, simply trying to get a rise out of you. Misery likes company. Don’t fall for the BS.